Recording & Live Sound Class: The Job Circle

Modesto, CA

Want to record bands?
Want to learn how to run live sound?
You should try our Hands-On Learning Audio Technician class.

This 7-week program meets twice a week in the evenings.

Audio Technician Training : Our Job Circle

​Learn producing, mastering, electronics, ProTools. Work with award-winning audio engineers and producers.​Because a lot of past students have come back to work with us, we call it the Job Circle.

Students learn skills that are useful at any job such as verbal and written communication, teamwork, general job etiquette, plus skills specific to the audio industry. Participants in the Job Circle can, through knowledge testing, earn an Audio Technician Certificate. This internship, and certificate, becomes a work and college application reference for them. For example, it is recognized by employers such as the Gallo Center for the Arts.

The cost for the 7-week program is $250. There are some scholarships available for students on the free lunch program (a scholarship awarded student pays just $150; to get approval for a scholarship call us at (209)573-0533). Note: all students are actually being subsidized by grants and donations to attend because the true cost to Modesto Sound is $1000 per student for the 7-week course.

​​To reserve your place, pay now in full or pay a $50 deposit (see drop down menu below).

Sign Up!
Full Amount $250.00 USD Scholarship (approval required) $150.00 USD Deposit to Hold Space $50.00 USD Pay Balance Due $150.00 USD Pay Balance Due (Scholarships) $50.00 USD
Student Name, Age, Phone

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